Sunday, June 20, 2010

Living Mobile...........

Rohan wakes up with the sweet music of his favourite A.R. Rahman ringing in his ears. He’s in a good mood, because he didn’t have to listen to an old annoying alarm tune first thing in the morning. He rises from bed, calls up his friends to meet him in 30 mins on the playing field. He takes a bath while listening to his favourite music on his Mobile's Speaker Phone which has a Yahama amplifier.

All the friends assembled at the field, the game of football begins: Long passes, chips, skids, shoots follow. He’s tired now and needs a break. He sits out for while and starts video recording the game when suddenly…wow! What a goal, amazing run and a sliding kick. He just can’t resist sharing this with friends at school. He logs on to facebook then and there and posts the video for all to see. The video gets immediate response from friends as comments to which he replies back instantly.

He gets back to the game after some time when he gets a call from is mom asking him to come back home for lunch. The game was tiring and he was hungry indeed so he bids goodbye and get sets for home.

After he’s had his lunch he goes upto his bedroom, lies down on his bed and logs on to Skype. Today’s his lucky day; he finds that girl from the class online who he has liked since she joined the school. He talks to her for free online for an hour or so and is amazed to know their liking for similar music. He promises to share his collection via Bluetooth the next time they meet at school. Good things are happening for him today.

In the evening, after waking up from his afternoon nap he catches his brother sneaking into the refrigerator to take out the chocolates for which Rohan was scolded the other day. Rohan takes the snaps of his brother feasting on the chocolates and mails it to dad in the office; it’s time for sweet revenge.

After this eventful day, it’s time to say goodnight and set his favourite tune again on his cool Accord Mobile to begin another amazing day tomorrow. He truly loves his phone. What would Rohan’s life be without his Accord Mobile?

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